In 1997, a scientist in Japan accidentally injected a substance that revealed how a Klotho protein deficiency could cause premature aging. This unintentional discovery during a mouse experiment led to more breakthroughs about how to increase Klotho levels, otherwise known as “KL.”

The same researcher from 1997 determined in 2005 that an “overexpression” of the Klotho gene extended life during a rodent laboratory experiment. This means that higher KL concentrations could prolong instead of shortening lifespans, and newer studies are starting to see the potential in humans and not just in mice. However, it’s more than just about making lives longer. New science reports also show how raising Klotho levels in the body affects health.

Klotho Link to The Kidneys

The kidney seems to have the primary supply of Klotho gene, but it also can be found in the spinal area near the brain and in certain glands located in the neck. Different types of KL also exist in a variety of other organs, such as the liver. However, one of the most important connections is the way the Kidneys process nutrients the body needs, such as vitamin D, phosphates and calcium. The amount of systemic Klotho determines how healthy not only the kidneys but also the heart, pancreas, liver, lungs, and other internal organs remain.

How to Raise Klotho Levels

One method that scientists tried involved injecting genes that have Klotho in them into mice. It’s a transgenic insertion, which means that genetic information is transferred from one source directly into another. It did show some positive effects, but it didn’t seem like the best way to raise Klotho levels.

An alternative method of raising system Klotho levels tried by researchers involved inserting a supply of this gene that came from a combination of sources. Before doing so, scientists spent time modifying these multiple sources before inserting them into the testing animals. After some consideration, medical specialists did see some positive results more so than when trying to insert a direct supply using a needle.

Additional Klotho Treatment Possibilities

Additional treatment possibilities include making new prescription medicines and supplements that raise Klotho levels to prevent aging and diseases. In fact, some patients already receive phosphate medications, which people take to treat kidney problems. However, future treatments people can take at home might incorporate the Klotho proteins in ways that maybe could prevent people from being stuck to a dialysis machine.

As of 2019, medical scientists have already found ways to restrict phosphates and vitamin D or inhibit enzyme activities that could improve kidney functioning. That might require more confirmation, but people already have access to dietary supplements that can boost natural Klotho production. Your doctor can recommend KL treatments best suited for your body if you ask at your next visit.